Does The Door Or The Door Frame Need To Be Replaced?
When it comes to an issue with a door, people often look at the door as the problem. However, in some instances, the door is just fine; it is the door frame that is the real problem. If you have an issue with your door, ensure you go about the repair process the correct way. It is helpful to be able to distinguish when the door frame is the real culprit.
Visible Damage to Frame
To determine what type of repairs need to be made, you first want to look at the door frame itself. For the most part, if you see visible damage to the frame, it is the problem. For example, over time, a wood door frame will start to rot, warp, or deteriorate. Once this happens, the frame will become unstable and can even make it very hard to open or close the door.
Noticeable Air Drafts
Put your hand around the door area to see if you detect any drafts. To make the process easier, try to perform this step on a day when it is windy or cold outside. If you can feel the air from the outside, it is highly likely that the frame is the problem. When the frame has cracks in it or has shifted due to wear and tear, tiny gaps form that allows air to flow in and out.
Door Will Not Stay Shut
You can also make this determination based on how the door is functioning. If you cannot keep the door in the closed position and it keeps swinging open, it is likely the door frame is the problem. Again, a wood door frame can start to rot over time, especially if it was not treated correctly. The warping then alters the shape of the frame. As a result, when you try to close the door, it will not stay in place but, instead, swing open.
When in Doubt
If you are still uncertain as to whether or not you need to replace the door, the door frame, or both, it is a good idea to speak with a door repair professional. A professional will look over the door and the frame to precisely diagnose the problem, provide you with the best solution and get to work on the replacement as soon as possible.
Use this information to help make the right decision for your replacement needs and go online to other sites like for more information.